Students on school campus

TFE helps schools keep up with advances in physical security

Advancements in physical security make protecting schools a more effective process. With cyber attacks on the rise, many schools focus their efforts on protecting their digital assets. Overlooking physical campus security can be a mistake. Students and staff must feel safe and secure while on campus. Historically, physical security has included guards, locks, physical barriers, and video surveillance. Technology can be used to enhance these and other physical security measures to boost their efficiency. Schools can use strategies to leverage the power of the Internet of Things (IoT) and smart technology to improve physical security.

Eliminate silos with unified security

TFE recommends operating all physical security systems over the district’s IP network. Trying to control disconnected tools leads to unnecessary complexity and the need for additional staff members to manage it all. Investing for the entire school district and not each school individually is the most cost-efficient way to boost physical security. School districts can prevent redundant technology investments and uneven protection on all school campuses with this approach.

District-wide solutions offer the following advantages:

  • Centralized management capabilities for all endpoints
  • Cloud solutions for accessing from any device and any location
  • Decreased capital costs
  • Equal security coverage for all schools

Siloed security processes no longer scale. Using technology, schools can unify security resources like cameras and door controller systems to maximize their benefits. TFE is partners with Genetec to provide unified and innovative physical security solutions. 

Lower data center costs with virtualized servers

School districts – especially those with large populations – have thousands of access cards and readers, cameras, intrusion detection devices, and security systems strewn across multiple campuses. Before technology advances, one or two physical servers were needed to operate these security measures. Physical security solutions no longer require a physical server. Sizeable school districts with multiple school campuses can now lower data center costs by using virtualized servers. 

TFE’s virtual server solutions can run management software platforms smoothly over multiple buildings, campuses, and departments. Virtualized servers can:

  • Decrease maintenance costs by aligning available resources with demand
  • Integrate with other campus solutions to increase accuracy and efficiency
  • Quickly deploy updates and changes without a hitch
  • Reduce the physical space needed to house multiple servers

Best of all, server maintenance no longer requires service interruptions. IT team members can simply move the virtual servers to another available server in the system within minutes.

Simplify security camera use

Security cameras are a core component of any physical security system. Simplifying large-scale camera deployments with automated configuration is one of the easiest ways for schools to maximize the efficiency of security camera systems. Before technology advancements, skilled technicians were dispatched to configure cameras on site. Now, the configuration is as simple as connecting security cameras to the network. TFE’s partnership with Bosch and Video Insight help to deliver technology-enhanced video surveillance services that allows schools to work smarter with video.

Scale up or down to:

  • Automate notifications to appropriate district personnel
  • Combine video surveillance with fire doors and vape sensors
  • Edit video scenes without damaging the evidence
  • Extract video for investigations
  • Identify license plates and people clearly via high definition
  • Improve reception abilities
  • Integrate audio/video with surveillance systems
  • Restrict activation with motion sensors

Control threat-level response

School administrators and personnel try not to think about the need for threat-level responses. Unfortunately, in today’s world, school security must ensure a safe learning environment for students. Connecting all physical security solutions to one centralized control station can help reduce response time in critical moments. With just the touch of a button, school staff can initiate lockdown sequences and trigger the emergency intercom system. Lockdown individual classrooms, buildings, or the entire campus to isolate and secure intruders more quickly. Once a threat is identified, automated calls or emails can be sent to personnel with explicit instructions.

Connect with a trusted partner

Ensuring the safety of your students, faculty and building starts with a trusted partner. TFE has partnered with Genetec to provide the security services and solutions needed to stay protected. Reach out to TFE to learn more about the ways your school can increase security.