The new norm of returning to school

Returning to school this fall will look a lot different than when students left in the spring. Technology has played an important role in communication and ongoing studies in schools during the COVID-19 pandemic. Take a look at the new technology in the classroom that will be implemented this coming school year. 

Continuing to use technology in the classroom 

Technology in the classroom is here to stay. From students having their own laptops to complete assignments to using A/V equipment to present lessons. Technology in the classroom will continue to be implemented. Introducing a blended learning environment allowing students to understand the different ways they can use it in their everyday life.  

Benefits of continuing to use technology in the classroom

By now, students have been using technology for educational purposes for the past few months. They will continue to learn and it will not disrupt their learning process. In addition, students are continuing to learn more about technology and how it can help them be successful in their future profession. Using technology will allow for fewer exchanges of physical resources that could transit germs from person to person. Since distance learning focused heavily on technology in the classroom and learning how to communicate, teachers and students alike will continue to perfect a communication strategy using technology.

Using voice amplification

Since teachers will be wearing a mask and teaching in larger classrooms to accommodate social distancing, voice amplification will also be a new addition in the classroom. This device will help students to better hear the teacher and aid their learning. The device amplifies a teacher’s voice by about 10 decibels, which is loud enough for students no matter where they are seated, but not so loud that neighboring classrooms can hear it. The average adult human conversational voice is about 60 decibels. That way students will be able to clearly hear the teacher’s voice and it won’t be muffled behind a mask. 

Transform your district’s classrooms

At TFE, we specialize in school technology to better aid in the success of students and faculty. We can help you find the best IT solutions that are right for each classroom. To learn more about our technology for schools, contact us today.